Lay it on the Deal
Penned by drummer C-ford, the lilting rhymes and catchy melody entrance the listener into some "out of body, out of mind"-like experience.
G. David of the Online Hit Magazine WEI! says "Johnny 12 Gauge is the craziest rocker to hit the Internet all year.” The songs, by the way, sound a bit like the music on this page, which is very loud.
Sources deny that Johnny 12 Gauge is none other than AC/DC guitarist Angus Young, though he does look an awful lot like him.
Xmas Rocking Hits
The sampling of various hits from the 50's, 60's,70's, 80's and 90's by masterdisk spinner Big Gordy D make this "a la carte" production the perfect album for your teenage rock and rollers this holiday season. We pay a portion of our royalties to the artists and the rest is donated to charities such as Make Poverty History We can of course set up to help any charities that you designate..
Please send us your requests to whemedia@gmail.com We use PayPal at Big Gordy D Productions. If you have PayPal, this will send us a message that you have contacted us and one of our customer service agents will get back to you within 24 hours.
Get our attention here, this will credit your account with us for $3 Canadian. If you need to pay in another currency, let us know and we will help out, if possible:
WHE Staff will make arrangements to provide a link to samplers pages where you can listen to the music on our hit list.
Portions of the proceeds go to supporting projects of various charitable organizations worldwide. Please contact drgordondavid@gmail.com for details. Hey we're being serious now.

Tags: johnny12gauge layitonthedeal lay it on the deal lay_it_on_the_deal shotgun music heavymetal spinaltap funny biggordyd charity fundraiser paypal